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اذخل إلى الرابط الموجود في وصف الفيديو واملأ معلوماتك و أكد عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك ثم انقر فوق create account )تماما كما فعلت في الفيديو(  Go to the link in the video description Fill out your informations, click Create an account and don't forget to confirm Your E-mail address  (Just like i did in the video)   بعد ذلك مباشرة قم بتسجيل الذخول الى الحساب  الذي انشأته ثم قم بالتحقق من حسابك عن طريق تحميل المستندات  التي سيتم طلبها منك )الهوية أو جواز السفر ...(  Immediately after that, log in to the account  you have just created Then verify your account  by uploading the documents  that will be requested from you  (ID, passport ...)  لقد قمت بتسجيل الذخول الى حسابي الخاص لاريكم ان الموقع صادق و موثوق  و هذه بعض المعاملات التي انجزتها في هذا الموقع   I have logged in to my own account to show you that the site is honest and reliable, and these are some of the transactions that I performed on this site  بعد ان قمت بالتحقق من حسابك و بعد التأكد من  مصداقية الموقع يمكنك الان البدأ في شراء  العملات الرقمية وذلك بالضغط على  Buy Bitcoin  لشراء البيتكوين مثلا    After you have verified your account and after verifying the authenticity of the site, you can now start buying digital currencies by clicking Buy Bitcoin to buy bitcoin for example.  بعد ذلك  اختر مقدار  BITCOIN  الذي تريد شراءه ثم اضغط على  Buy Bitcoin مجددا    Then choose the amount of BITCOIN you want to buy and then click Buy Bitcoin again  بعد ذلك سيطلب منك اذخال عنوان المحفظة خاصتك  قم بجلبه من موقع المحفظة الخاصة بك  كما فعلت في الفيديو ثم وانقر على proced to checkup  After that you will be asked to enter your wallet address,  bring it from your wallet website  as i did in the video,  then click on Proced to checkup.  خطوة جد مهمة: بعد ذلك ستتوصل ببريد على ايميلك   قم بتأكيده لكي تتم المعاملة بنجاح   كما فعلت في الفيديو    A very important step: After that you will receive an email on your email, confirm it to complete the transaction successfully as you did in the video  بعد ذلك سيتم تحويلك الى صفحة الاذاء  قم بالتأكد من المعطيات يمين الشاشة كما في الفيديو    After that you will be directed  to the Paiement page, check the data  on the right side of the screen,  as in the video  بعد ذلك   قم باذخال معلومات بطاقة الائتمان الخاصة بك ثم اضغط Pay Now كما في الفيديو    Then Enter your credit card information and click Pay Now As in the video  تهانينا ،  بعد 24 ساعة او أقل ستتلقى عملتك على محفظتك كما في الفيديو  Congratulations   After 24 hours or less, you will receive your currency in your wallet As in the video  شكرا على المشاهدة  thank you for watching
bitcoin easily

That's how I bought bitcoin easily 2021

What is BITCOIN ? : 

Bitcoin is an electronic currency that is fully traded online without any financial effort, and differs from traditional currencies, and there is no regulatory body that supports and stands beside it on the Internet, but it features the original currency as it is used as a currency for purchase from the Internet and some stores support payment through bitcoin .

You can also send bitcoin currency to anyone you want and just need their wallet address. there is no transfer fee and without paying any extra money for anyone you can use bitcoin to buy anything you want whether it is clothing books or gifts and many other things.

As for the price of bitcoin, it changes on a daily basis, because it exceeds the barrier of ten thousand dollars, and the price may exceed that, or it may be less than that.

 How do you get bitcoin ?

You can get bitcoins via the coinmama site. Coinmama is the crypto exchange brokerage based in the Slovak Republic. This site was created in 2013 and it shows that it offers a fast, safe and enjoyable way to buy digital currencies from anywhere in the world.

In fact, it serves all countries other than those subject to sanctions, such as North Korea. However, it feeds almost all countries.

Note: There is a slight difference between "exchange broker" and "exchange market", Coinmama is an exchange broker and Binance is an exchange market . The brokerage exchange holds the cryptocurrency and sells it directly for paper money, while the exchange market corresponds to independent buyers and sellers!

Since Coinmama's launch, more than 500,000 customers have bought currencies from the site. Doesn't that show you how much the crypto industry is growing!

Link to register and buy bitcoin from here

You will find here some Sites that offer bank cards that accept shipping with Bitcoin:

Link to register and buy bitcoin from Coinmama

 To understand more, watch this videos :

1. Another video explaining how to register and how to buy cryptocurrencies from the Coinmama website (eg buying bitcoin)

2. After the  design modifications made by this website, this is another video explains how to register and how to buy cryptocurrencies from the Coinmama site (eg buying bitcoin)

You should know that despite the modifications made by the site in terms of design, the method of registration and purchase from this site remains only one, and only the order of the steps followed can change.


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